"As a Peak Body and a Service Provider, Brain Injury SA works with and for the ABI community to empower people to determine and work towards their goals, provide tailored and accessible therapy services to maximise quality of life, assist in addressing barriers and issues arising from living with disabilities, support families and carers, advocate for and work to deliver increased community and government awareness, inclusion and assistance for people living with ABI, and continuously improve the value and quality of services through research, evaluation and development."
Kathryn has been working as an Occupational Therapist for over 25 years. With experience in both the disability and mental health sectors in Australia and the UK, she is passionate in supporting people to live fulfilling and independent lives. Kathryn is particularly interested in supporting people with developing/ maintaining meaningful roles and in finding pathways that may lead to paid employment. She is a strong believer in involving people in all aspects of their care and finding innovative ways to overcome challenges to enable people to meet their goals.
Ed is passionate about assisting individuals to overcome adversity and live fulfilling lives. As Manager Rewire Development, he is responsible for leading Brain Injury SA’s Rewire program. Ed is a registered psychologist and has worked in the acquired brain injury (ABI) field since 2012. In this time he has helped many people work through the significant challenges a brain injury can bring. Ed has a keen interest in neuroplasticity, and a strong understanding of the link between brain functioning and behaviour. He is continually inspired by what can be achieved when therapists, people with ABI, and family members all work together.
Hub Location: Northern View Alex’s Profile
Hub Location: Central, Southern View Ash’s Profile
Participates in rehabilitation and empowerment for those with acquired brain injury.
"Brain Injury SA is for people with Acquired Brain Injury. Acquire Brain Injury (ABI) is the “multiple disabilities arising from damage to the brain acquired after birth. It results in deterioration in cognitive, physical, emotional or independent functioning. It can be as a result of accidents, tumours, infection, poisoning, lack of oxygen, degenerative neurological disease etc.”"