Get Help With
Diabetes Gym Classes
Remedial Massage Therapy
Clinical Pilates
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Dry Needling
Sports Injuries
Women’s Health
Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Science
Exercise Scientist
Exercise Physiologist
Chronic Pain
Clinical Pilates
Exercise Physiology

More services

"Maddington Physiotherapy Centre was established in 1983. We are a very successful and well known private physiotherapy practice. We offer a wide range of physiotherapy services, ensuring a high standard of patient care. Some of the services that our qualified professionals provide are: treatment of back, neck and other spinal problems, chronic and arthritic pain, work related injuries, motor vehicle injuries, Exercise physiologists, postural assessment, back education and braces. We also provide: Clinical Pilates, hydrotherapy (aqua physiotherapy), massage by qualified remedial massage therapists, supervised gym rehabilitation, fall prevention programs and gym memberships to our patients."

PeterManipulative Physiotherapist

Peter has joined our team at Maddington Physiotherapy, He is a very experienced Manipulative Physiotherapist, who undertook both his undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Perth. After two years at Royal Perth Hospital, he has spent most of his career in private practice with over two decades as a Practice Principal in Bunbury. He has years of experience in treating musculoskeletal and sporting injuries and providing post-surgical rehabilitation. Peter has a special interest in dry-needling/acupuncture and in treating cervical headache.

Sports Injuries
Dry Needling
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Dry Needling
Sports Injuries
Sports Injuries
Dry Needling
Musculoskeletal Injury
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

Robert joined the team at Maddington Physiotherapy Centre in 2018. Robert has worked in a myriad of roles in physiotherapy, sport, community health, pediatrics, musculoskeletal, work rehabilitation, hospital and aged care. Robert has expanded his experience with post-graduate studies in the USA and Professional Development in Australia. Robert has a passion for public speaking and has continued developing, educating, and encouraging people to increase their awareness of the things that they can change to create better health and a better future.

Dry Needling
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Dry Needling
Dry Needling
Falls Prevention Exercise
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Aged Care Physiotherapy
Orthotic Therapy

SueLin has been a Physiotherapist for over 20 years, with a strong background in Sports, Spinal Pain, and Women’s Health. She has a special interest in treating the pelvis, backs, necks and jaws, children and teens, dry needling, and using exercise and education as part of successful pain management and prevention. SueLin has worked in a variety of roles in Perth, and overseas, including travelling with sporting teams, and theatre shows.

Women’s Health
Sports Injuries
Women’s Health
Dry Needling
Dry Needling
Sports Injuries
Women’s Health
Sports Injuries
Dry Needling
Women’s Health
Musculoskeletal Injury
BrendanExercise Physiologist and Exercise Scientist

Brendan has joined our team at Maddington Physiotherapy Centre in 2020, he’s an ESSA Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Accredited Exercise Scientist. I have been working in the industry since 2019. As an Exercise Physiologist, I am passionate about helping people with chronic conditions and injuries manage and improve their conditions, and overall quality of life through appropriate, individualised, safe, effective, and proven exercise program/therapy interventions. My other passions include working with athletes, many sports, along with strength and conditioning and exercise science.

Exercise Scientist
Exercise Physiologist
Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Physiologist
Exercise Science
Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Science
Strength and Conditioning
Exercise Science
RyanPractice Owner and Principal Physiotherapist

Ryan commenced working at Maddington Physiotherapy Centre in the year 2000 before becoming the practice owner and principal physiotherapist in 2006. In 2013 he completed his post graduate qualifications to become a titled APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. Ryan therefore has both the experience and skill set required for optimal management of complex and chronic pain presentations. Ryan also enjoys the challenge of working with patients who are not achieving the desired results from other physiotherapists as often those presentations are multi-factorial and require a different approach.

Sports Injuries
Chronic Pain
Dry Needling
Dry Needling
Sports Injuries
Chronic Pain
Sports Injuries
Chronic Pain
Dry Needling
Exercise Program Advice
Jaw Pain
Spinal Pain Conditions

Stella commenced working at Maddington Physiotherapy Centre in 1998. Her interests include post-operative rehabilitation, falls prevention in the elderly, treatment of Bells/Facial Palsy and dry needling. Stella is trained in Clinical Pilates and can also perform Home Visits as required.

Clinical Pilates
Women’s Health
Clinical Pilates
Women’s Health
Dry Needling
Dry Needling
Clinical Pilates
Women’s Health
Dry Needling
Clinical Pilates
Continence & Voiding Dysfunction
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)
Women’s Health
SarahPhysiotherapist and Exercise Physiologist

Sarah joined the team at Maddington Physiotherapy Centre in 2014. Sarah is a qualified physiotherapist and also an ESSA Accredited Exercise Physiologist. She has in interest in sports injury, fitness and return to work rehabilitation programs. Eligible patients with a chronic condition or Type II diabetes can be referred under Medicare for exercise physiology services. Both individual sessions and exercise classes are available.

Exercise Physiologist
Sports Injuries
Exercise Physiology
Exercise Physiologist
Dry Needling
Dry Needling
Sports Injuries
Exercise Physiology
Sports Injuries
Dry Needling
Exercise Physiology
Musculoskeletal Injury

Shabreena has been working at Maddington Physiotherapy Centre since 2015. Her interests include and qualifications in myofascial release therapy, post-operative rehabilitation, falls prevention in the elderly, treatment of chest Physio, also trained in Clinical Pilates and can also attend and perform Home Visits as required.

Sports Injuries
Sports Injuries
Sports Injuries
Spinal Pain Conditions
Musculoskeletal Injury
Falls Prevention Exercise

"Maddington Physiotherapy Centre was established in 1983. We are a very successful and well known private physiotherapy practice. We offer a wide range of physiotherapy services, ensuring a high standard of patient care. Some of the services that our qualified professionals provide are: treatment of back, neck and other spinal problems, chronic and arthritic pain, work related injuries, motor vehicle injuries, Exercise physiologists, postural assessment, back education and braces. We also provide: Clinical Pilates, hydrotherapy (aqua physiotherapy), massage by qualified remedial massage therapists, supervised gym rehabilitation, fall prevention programs and gym memberships to our patients."

Diabetes Gym Classes
Diabetes management
Chronic disease management
Rheumatoid arthritis
Cardiovascular health
Muscle injuries
Remedial Massage Therapy
Carpal tunnel
Tennis elbow
Stiff necks
Sports injuries
Aquatic Therapy
Clinical Pilates
core muscles